
Born in Manchester, Mark Demsteaders’ formative years were spent in Manchester’s meat market where he would work with  his father at the family abattoir. Completely absorbed in the noise, smells, and sheer physicality of this environment, he learnt more about the structure of sinew, bone, and flesh, than in any subsequent life drawing class.

As a teenager he was passionate about pursuing an artistic career, attending both Oldham and then Rochdale College of Art. However there proved to be few opportunities for a young figurative painter in Manchester at the time, and he returned to work at his father’s wholesale butchers. Mark continued to attend life classes throughout the next decade, attending a short course at the Slade School of Fine Art.

Mark Demsteader  has produced numerous portraits of celebrities including 34 paintings of Harry Potter actress Emma Watson, and a series of pictures of Marianela Nunez, Principal Ballerina at the Royal Opera.

Works by Mark Demsteader